About Us
How We Work
We listen to our clients needs and develop a solution to help achieve your architectural goals.
We work together to build a vision for your project that meets your program, budget, and schedule requirments. We help you understand the safety, legal, and technical issues that are relevant to your project. We demonstrate how we will add value to your process.
We are flexible, resourceful, and creative. Our solution will respond to your needs.
Our Tools
The job of the architect is about communication. We are commited to reaching an understanding for the projects goals and expectations throughout the project. We translate these complicated goals into a set of documents that will ensure the project's success.
We use sophisticated computer visualization tools in our design process that are integrated with our construction documents. We create a "virtual building" that we can show you in a variety of formats: traditional architectural plans and elevations, perspectives, photo-renderings, animated movies, and virtual reality scenes. These images help you understand the project in a way that is familiar and accessible. The beauty of our process is that the "design" images are taken directly into a format that will make sense to a builder or a building code official. This ensures that the project we envision together will be realized in the final built environment.
When we start the design process, we share the virtual model with our clients through a free app called BIMx. We will send you a BIMx file of your building that you can look at on your device, at your convenience.
The American Institute of Architects
There is a lot of information about architecture and architecture firms on the AIA website:
They offer a brochure entitled "You and Your Architect" that addresses the role of architects in the building process. You can download a pdf file of the document at or order a printed copy from the AIA.
Another informative publication is "primer on project delivery" that discusses different project delivery methods for design and construction including traditional design-bid-build and design-build. You can download a pdf file of the document by searching on the AIA website, or order a printed copy from the AIA.
AIA Chicago | 35 E. Wacker Dr. Suite 250, Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-670-7770 | Fax: 312-670-2422
The National Council of Architecture Registration Boards
If you're wondering how a person becomes an architect, who can call herself an architect, and how you can get information about different state's (and even other countries') registration requirements, the NCARB website is a good resource. http://ncarb.org/
The Illinois Department of Professional Regulation
There's a handy website where you can immediately check the professional registration status of an idividual or company in Illinois. https://www.idfpr.com/licenselookup/licenselookup.asp
Architects Creating Homes
Another wonderful resource for Residential projects is ArCH. Here is their website: